Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Evolution is a vital part to our understanding of ourselves and of our history. To believe that we did not evolve means to believe that we will never change again and always be the same human beings which God put on earth starting with Adam and Eve. The most amazing thing about life is that it finds a way. Without evolution that magical part of life wouldn't exist and nothing would adapt or change to better suit it's environment. Because humans and every other living thing on the planet is constantly changing, it creates the biggest system that there is, if nothing was ever able to adapt then many systems would fail and be lost. But the fact that every living thing is able to change and keep their systems going proves Darwin and survival of the fittest, for systems which do not change or adapt, die out. Therefore evolution and understanding what it does for us is a vital part of understanding how everything in the world is able to better fit it's environment and be able to live successfully and carry on the changes to its following organism

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