So i've already made decent headway in terms of internships. I started off with my sophomore internship at an adult day care center in which I worked with the elderly who had either mental disabilities or Altzheimer's etc. I loved working with them and I really learned so much about working with disabilities. As for my next internship, I met with Dan Walker a few days ago and we decided that the two places which should be my priorities are Spark, which is a facility associated with BMC which works with kids that were born premature and with growth problems. The other is ARTZ which is a program which works with elderly with Altzheimer's and their caregivers to go on trips to places like the science museum and gather to watch old films. I definitely want to go for Spark because I'd like to get some experience working with kids because I currently have none. I'm hoping this internship will get me the experience I need to land my senior internship at a hospital setting because I really love the structure of a hospital and the work that is done there.
As for my career I'm not positive what population I want to work with but I know that I definitely want to work as an expressive therapist somewhere because I love the work that can be done with it. I'm hoping to work with either kids or elderly because I like working with both.
The guest speakers were very informative but unfortunately because I've really delved into the process of finding internships and planning my career, I previously knew many of the things which they spoke about but it was helpful to have a refresher.
These are the websites for the internships I hope to hear back from soon!
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